Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I have a presentation in 10 (?) hrs time, industrial design, with a shirt, tie, the works. Hope i might actually do well for this damn module, even though i did less work than last sem, heheh.
But damn it, why do i have to present? Malas ah, plus i don't want to screw it up for the rest :p

Went to school today, ostensibly to study, but ended up socializing, as always. Learnt some interesting stuff about my training head, guess he's in a similar situation that i was in...good luck dude. Plus i can't find the "doctor's" blog. Dammit.
Plus i think my best friend is pissed at me, probably about the selections last week...

And i told Zo about S and L. A good idea? I don't know. I guess the four of us will be meeting up again soon, maybe this Friday, see how it goes :) Bowling and Food!!!!

Saw L at training today, smsed and chatted a bit. Can't believe i'm still flirting with her, but i can't help it lah. She's juz irresistible, plus i think she's cute, damn huggable sia...
Can't take my eyes off her, and she knows it, damn. And she's sweet too. Sigh, what is a guy to do?
Oh well...

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