Tuesday, April 24, 2007


To all my faithful reader(s) out there (hah!) i've been very busy mugging for my
exams (hah! again)
Had my first paper on Saturday, the Materials paper :p Ok lah, i guess, couldn't finish the damn thing though, didn't expect that i would have so much to write.

Oooh, then i went for the fund-raising thingy after that, did a bit of work at the registration table, basically juz slacking around...
L looked gorgeous in black, as always, missed my chance to go home with her after the event :(

Food was great, liked the brownies, multiple helpings yadda yadda yadda. Kinda surprised so many people turned up, although apparently many more tickets had been sold. So all in all, a successful night for the club.

But, back to the important stuff, like how amazing L looked, heh.
Man, i sound like some love-struck fool, holding out my palms in supplication, hoping the princess would deign to give me a look. Well, i certainly hope i don't look like that in public.
In private, i can live with that, heck i HAVE been living like that. But not too much in public, eh?

Aaah, watched Miss S'pore Universe on Sunday. Amazes me every time... Where have all the pretty ladies gone? Is the pageant a massive 'hot-chick repellent' or something? Then can someone explain to me how is it that a 30+ married woman (A. Cruz) can trounce almost all of the 'beauty' contestants on show? Anyone?

Alrites, next paper is on Thurs, ethics. And i have gym tomorrow, hopefully more people turn up, maybe L? Rite...Hope is sustenance for fools

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