Monday, April 30, 2007


Last paper is done, no more exams for 6 months, huzzah!!
But still kind of an anti-climax, was hopin i'd be spending the day with Nim or something, but i think she has a hot date. Good for her hahaha

Not a total waste though, went home with L instead (yayy!), after borrowing her dictionary for the Linguistics paper.
Phew, she saved my ass. Don't think i'll do that well for any of my modules this sem though, nothing outstanding, in my mind. 2nd-lower? Maybe...if i do well next sem, plus the damn FYP.

Went to help out at the shop, probably have to help again tmrw, being Labour Day and all.
Then a 6 click run, trying desperately to get back in shape :p
Legs & Paddles comin up soon, don't wanna make a fool of myself, heh.

And H juz told me, she won't be training anymore...what a complete and utter waste. I don't know what to say to her, i'm useless

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