Sunday, April 8, 2007

Almost virgin post

Let's see...this is a hell lot easier than i thought (the whole blogging thing)
Note to self : Don't use keywords, so that nosy buggers (like myself) can't google this blog

Alrites, where to begin? How about today...

Same shit as always, training, late lunch at vivo, then home and off to the bbq.
Exams coming soon, and yet i'm curiously drawn to waste my time at this most humble of pursuits, penning down my thoughts.

As always, my customary morning run with L. I always enjoy the few moments we get to spend together, even though i know nothing could possibly come out of it. But yeah, bright spots are hard to come by, and i intend to savour every last drop.

I wonder why is it so hard for me to let go and move on, and try to rescue what little shred of dignity i have left, instead of hankering after something i know i cannot get.
Wah lau, so jiwang :p

And the situation with F is as complicated as ever. Am i leading her on? Am i lying to myself?
Why does everything have to be so hard? Heck, if she had told me this last year, i would have dived headfirst into it, flailing arms and all. But now, i hesitate. For what, i do not know.

I need time lah, maybe if i keep on chanting it, it'll actually make sense.
The power of suggestion, heh. Another note to self, try not to flirt around with the girls too much, kurang manis ah. Must try to remember, this is not the nat'l team.

Ah yesss, nat'l team. Do i want to join up again? After the comp. maybe...hope it'll be as fun as last time. Maybe the thingy with S wasn't such a good idea, in retrospect (of course,u fool)
At least i'm not breaking down like a blabbering. love-struck fool...not so often anyway.

Is this all my life revolves around? Damn i need a new hobby, or at least a girlfriend.
Wait, scratch that last one.

Waiting for my cats

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