Thursday, April 12, 2007

Damn Virus

Let's see...what happened yesterday, hmmm.
Our presentation went well, they actually thought ours was one of the better ones that they had seen, yayy!!! I might actually do well for this module, heheh

And talked to N on msn till 4 freaking a.m, talking about my troubles... Man i'm tired of all this :p

My parents came back from Malaysia today, nek's fine, thank God, but she broke her pelvic bone :(
Im visiting her, after my exams...kalau boleh, this week pun aku sanggup turun, but my parent's are not free. End of the month then...

Had my selections today, played like crap, what else is new. Plus i think i injured my knee or something, probably have to lay off training for a couple of weeks. Before that, i went for my run with L and her twin, had to stop after 5 rounds though, back started cramping...damn i feel oooold
And i didn't get my chocolate, heh. Had KFC after training, definitely not something to be done on a weekly basis. First time i've seen so many of us out for dinner, practically 20 people came, woohoo!!! But i couldn't send F home because of that, maybe i'll go mugging with her tmrw, or something...

My msn is still infected with the damn photo album virus, did a full system scan, plus deleted some registry files. Hope everything turns out fine :P

Until the next time, future me

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