Saturday, May 12, 2007

Same old, Same old

Pretty decent day/week. Slack training for once, nasib baik gi lari ngan L in the morning. Then had a tech meeting with the rest. Headache sia, i can't believe that one of the schools actually juz gave out the forms yesterday. Are they THAT incompetent? :p
This year's competition has got to be the biggest ever in its history, so plenty to live up to.

Had another meeting after training, then went rounding with Sye, Sy and Hali. Best :)
Sy is damn funny, running gag : Peaches & Cream

And a new shopping date is set!!! Going out with N and Fani, yayy! And another outing on monday with S, Zo and Ai. Wooh, packed weeks ahead, can't wait. Hav to pack for camp as well...

Oooh, forgot to mention, went to watch 28 Weeks Later with Ni, Syiq and Din. Grim and gory, but worth it. Hmm first outing with the sisters. Let's hope it becomes a semi-regular thingy ;)
Soon, my precious

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