Wednesday, May 23, 2007

More work

Had a nice chat with fadi on the phone. She sounds as sweet as ever, damn i miss her. Plus she sounds really happy, and i'm glad for that...

Sent F home, and we bumped into her dad!! How weird is that? And i didn't even know it was her dad, thought it was juz some random guy under her block. By the time i realized it was her dad, it was too late. He must think that i have some ulterior motives or something, slinking away like that...

And i received word that WTanjung wants to join the comp. Apparently they misunderstood our invitation letter. Kesian... But i hope they'll join next yr's tourney, it'll be fun watching them heheh.

That's it then, going to Bedok tmrw to print more stuff, and maybe breakfast with S next week :)

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