Sunday, May 6, 2007

Back to Training

Juz got back from Seremban, visit nenek. I've never seen her so frail, broke my heart. Sometimes it seems that she has already given up. Plus the squabbling among the family members certainly isn't helping. Nobody wants to take responsibilty.
Let this be a lesson to me

On a brighter note, training resumed after the exam break. Pancit sey. Both my legs almost cramped, and i was melayang-ing everywhere :p
BUT, the west coast/science park run with L certainly perked me up heh. though it was a wee bit long, although i'm sure L would vehemently disagree.

Anyway, we went for lunch after that, then Syiq and Ru accompanied me to K Rubs house to collect the uniforms. Kinda sad that's she's leaving, but i guess she needs her space. My respect for Ab J has dropped a couple of notches, man what an idiot. But who am I to judge?
I guess i'll be sending her off at the airport tonite, with the rest.

This flu is bugging me

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