Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Went to Bugis today with Rush and H, spent some time catching up with each other. Sigh, i miss talking to them, especially after they both got attached... Ate at Banquet, where i had the most expensive bandung EVER!!! $1.60 for 1 freaking cup of rose-syrup with milk!! WTH?!??!

Then, we went to Bras Basah, Rush wanted to buy some stuff for her bf, so sweet rite? Amazing how much effort she puts in for that personal touch. Me? Nah...
H bought a cute belt from Dorothy Perkins (Naughty Girl hahaha)
I'm thinking of getting her something from Body Shop, when we step down from exco. And if everything turns out rite, she might still get to compete this year :)
But i guess, this will be the last one for both her and Rush.

And that was the highlight of my day, rite before i went to the shop, and then to Marsiling.
Gym tmrw, and then skills. Sounds tiring... No guts, no glory

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