Sunday, May 27, 2007


The medical and balloting went smoothly yesterday, thank God. it certainly didn't appear that way at 9am. Only one doc was coming, and the damn office wasn't open :P
Eventually everything fell into place, we even started on time!!! A miracle.

Then the balloting and tech meeting (Stockings issue with the SP people, maybe they'll find a better material, who knows)
Got a bit pissed off at Cikgu O. I sounded a bit rude, i think, while trying to get my point across, but at least the other schools agreed with me. I have got to keep a tighter rein on my temper. Scares me sometimes. But everything else went off without a hitch, i have to say that i'm proud of the tech team, brilliant work (even though they'll never read this) Im fighting some guy from InstitTechEdn. Even if i win, my next opponent is from the same school. Aku takut!!!! Hahaha

Then had a meeting with H. Apparently we are running out of money, and we hav to find an alternative source, and soon. And i'm one of the guilty parties who have not paid up yet :p

Movie in the evening with Ni, Din and his relative. Watched Pirates. Pretty ok lah, but a tad long.

L&P today!!!! Damn tiring, but fun, especially with L around...
Was damn pancit, but got 5th in our wave i think. Canoeing leg was damn fast, man i miss rowing... Spending my time in close proximity with L does wonders for my mood, plus i have the pics to cherish heheh
Pergi Bugis makan, i revealed to L abt the Ab J and K Rubs thingy. I've been wanting to tell her for so long. Guess i'm not really good at keeping secrets...
Ok dah penat, nak gi tido
6 more days

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