Thursday, May 31, 2007


Anyway, i realized i forgot all about my exam results...All Bs so i guess okay jugak lah :P

2 more days before comp starts, and i'll be staying over in school this time round. Hope everything goes fine, esp since it all seems to be falling into place. I'm worried about my match, but i guess it's only natural...

Oh well

Sunday, May 27, 2007


The medical and balloting went smoothly yesterday, thank God. it certainly didn't appear that way at 9am. Only one doc was coming, and the damn office wasn't open :P
Eventually everything fell into place, we even started on time!!! A miracle.

Then the balloting and tech meeting (Stockings issue with the SP people, maybe they'll find a better material, who knows)
Got a bit pissed off at Cikgu O. I sounded a bit rude, i think, while trying to get my point across, but at least the other schools agreed with me. I have got to keep a tighter rein on my temper. Scares me sometimes. But everything else went off without a hitch, i have to say that i'm proud of the tech team, brilliant work (even though they'll never read this) Im fighting some guy from InstitTechEdn. Even if i win, my next opponent is from the same school. Aku takut!!!! Hahaha

Then had a meeting with H. Apparently we are running out of money, and we hav to find an alternative source, and soon. And i'm one of the guilty parties who have not paid up yet :p

Movie in the evening with Ni, Din and his relative. Watched Pirates. Pretty ok lah, but a tad long.

L&P today!!!! Damn tiring, but fun, especially with L around...
Was damn pancit, but got 5th in our wave i think. Canoeing leg was damn fast, man i miss rowing... Spending my time in close proximity with L does wonders for my mood, plus i have the pics to cherish heheh
Pergi Bugis makan, i revealed to L abt the Ab J and K Rubs thingy. I've been wanting to tell her for so long. Guess i'm not really good at keeping secrets...
Ok dah penat, nak gi tido
6 more days

Friday, May 25, 2007

Lost and Found

As my faithful readers will know, i lost my ring a couple of weeks ago. And today, ta-da!!! It has reappeared in my life, bringing with it much relief...

Went for the medical check-up with the rest of the team juz now, then supper at BTimah. Spent time chatting, lepak-ing. I'm beginning to love this bunch of crazy people, even the quiet ones. And it certainly doesn't hurt that they're all easy on the eyes ;)

Went to Bedok with H and Rush yest, then to Bugis looking for the technical barang-barangs plus secretariat nyer benda. Lotsa fun, as usual, sharing our views on life etc. My bestest buddies in the team always crack me up.

i foresee a busy 2 weeks coming up, with L&P plus the C'ships. Good luck...
9 more days

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

More work

Had a nice chat with fadi on the phone. She sounds as sweet as ever, damn i miss her. Plus she sounds really happy, and i'm glad for that...

Sent F home, and we bumped into her dad!! How weird is that? And i didn't even know it was her dad, thought it was juz some random guy under her block. By the time i realized it was her dad, it was too late. He must think that i have some ulterior motives or something, slinking away like that...

And i received word that WTanjung wants to join the comp. Apparently they misunderstood our invitation letter. Kesian... But i hope they'll join next yr's tourney, it'll be fun watching them heheh.

That's it then, going to Bedok tmrw to print more stuff, and maybe breakfast with S next week :)

Monday, May 21, 2007

I'm Back

Training camp's over, and i'm utterly shagged. Didn't get much sleep, spent the entire first night at LT7A with L, finishing technical stuff. It was worth it, since i can never spend enough time alone with her :)

Overall, the whole thing was pretty fun, other than a few minor hiccups, which was no fault of the organising comm. Charades on the 2nd nite was particularly fun, 'Mortal Kombat', hilarious.

Plus we've decided to drop Eu from the artistic team category, 'cos he's juz not ready...

Bleargh, i can't think anymore, updates when i get back tmrw nite.

Maybe i'll dream of her...

Monday, May 14, 2007


Oh well, she left. Again. Not that i wasn't expecting it. It was only a matter of time before she chafed under the perceived injustices that she felt she was subjected to. What an idiot.
To blame her situation on other people has got to be the most deluded thing ever. We didn't force her to sleep with him. Neither did we force her to abort/keep the baby. I don't know what the hell she wants. Idiot.

Oh well, orang dah tua. She can do whatever she wants with her life, and i certainly won't be around if she comes crawling back looking for help. Idiot. (Sense a recurring theme here?)


Sunday, May 13, 2007

She's getting MARRIED!!!!

I. Don't. Believe. It.
Fadi is getting married!!! On my birthday!!! Wah!!!
I hope i can make it for the wedding, even though it's on the final day of the competition. Hopefully i can schedule my game early in the morning or something, if i even make it to the finals ( 15 people in my category!!! Wah lau!)

Anyway, i'm happy for her, really. The guy is one lucky dude. In my eyes, she's perfect, and i will remember her kindness, grace and gentleness until the day i die, and maybe even beyond that. I pray for her everyday, and this will not change even after 10 June.

You never forget your first.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Same old, Same old

Pretty decent day/week. Slack training for once, nasib baik gi lari ngan L in the morning. Then had a tech meeting with the rest. Headache sia, i can't believe that one of the schools actually juz gave out the forms yesterday. Are they THAT incompetent? :p
This year's competition has got to be the biggest ever in its history, so plenty to live up to.

Had another meeting after training, then went rounding with Sye, Sy and Hali. Best :)
Sy is damn funny, running gag : Peaches & Cream

And a new shopping date is set!!! Going out with N and Fani, yayy! And another outing on monday with S, Zo and Ai. Wooh, packed weeks ahead, can't wait. Hav to pack for camp as well...

Oooh, forgot to mention, went to watch 28 Weeks Later with Ni, Syiq and Din. Grim and gory, but worth it. Hmm first outing with the sisters. Let's hope it becomes a semi-regular thingy ;)
Soon, my precious

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Gym, then normal training, who wouldn't be tired? But it was worth it, as always.
I hope H will decide to compete after all, maybe rekindle the drive in her.
One can only hope...

Something interesting happened last nite. Apparently F has given up on me. Is that good or bad?
I don't know, but there was certainly a sense of relief, that i'm no longer complicating her life.
Maybe 5, 6 years from now, i'll look back and regret my utterly dumb actions last nite.
20/20 hindsight.
Oh well, go with the flow...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Went to Bugis today with Rush and H, spent some time catching up with each other. Sigh, i miss talking to them, especially after they both got attached... Ate at Banquet, where i had the most expensive bandung EVER!!! $1.60 for 1 freaking cup of rose-syrup with milk!! WTH?!??!

Then, we went to Bras Basah, Rush wanted to buy some stuff for her bf, so sweet rite? Amazing how much effort she puts in for that personal touch. Me? Nah...
H bought a cute belt from Dorothy Perkins (Naughty Girl hahaha)
I'm thinking of getting her something from Body Shop, when we step down from exco. And if everything turns out rite, she might still get to compete this year :)
But i guess, this will be the last one for both her and Rush.

And that was the highlight of my day, rite before i went to the shop, and then to Marsiling.
Gym tmrw, and then skills. Sounds tiring... No guts, no glory

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Back to Training

Juz got back from Seremban, visit nenek. I've never seen her so frail, broke my heart. Sometimes it seems that she has already given up. Plus the squabbling among the family members certainly isn't helping. Nobody wants to take responsibilty.
Let this be a lesson to me

On a brighter note, training resumed after the exam break. Pancit sey. Both my legs almost cramped, and i was melayang-ing everywhere :p
BUT, the west coast/science park run with L certainly perked me up heh. though it was a wee bit long, although i'm sure L would vehemently disagree.

Anyway, we went for lunch after that, then Syiq and Ru accompanied me to K Rubs house to collect the uniforms. Kinda sad that's she's leaving, but i guess she needs her space. My respect for Ab J has dropped a couple of notches, man what an idiot. But who am I to judge?
I guess i'll be sending her off at the airport tonite, with the rest.

This flu is bugging me

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Shopping Trip

Juz came back from a shopping trip with N and Fani. Fun sia, didn't expect to enjoy myself this much, especially with fani, she's an intelligent, witty lady.
Ate at sakura far east, then shopped around for a while.
Supposed to go look for my wallet, but it was fani who ended up buying perfume and earrings hahaha
And we watched a movie at Cine, 'Fracture'. Not bad lah, but the big twist at the end was a bit disappointing, considering the excellent build-up thru'out the entire show.

We had to sprint like mad to catch the bus at Wheelock Place, training came in handy after all :p

Anyway, bought my first new book in months!!! Terry Pratchett's Science of Discworld. 18 bucks man, from Borders, but worth every single cent.

Gonna leave for Seremban in a few hours time, visit nenek. Hope she's doing fine.

Until next time