Monday, July 30, 2007

Old and New

L said yes to Haf Jap, so i guess it's official now. I have to admit, a small part of me was sad and my heart skipped a beat, but there was really no other way. They seem really happy together, and i hav azur with me...Is she more than i deserve?

We'll be celebrating her birthday later, i hope everything goes well. Lunch at delifranc, movie at vivcity (51 Bucks!!) and dinner at swens. I got her a necklace and earrings, with L's help :)

I guess my biggest fear is looking deep within myself and finding nothing but a well of dissatisfaction. The fear of being inadequate, of finding inadequacy in others. To be truly grateful, syukur, that is one of my greatest wishes. A fine line exists between the drive to succeed, and the desperation of never stopping. That wisdom is not mine yet.

Can it ever be?

1 comment:

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