Monday, July 2, 2007


I'm in the finals!!! And i can almost smell the silver/gold medal...I played like crap, but im injury-free and victorious, so im thankful.
Anyway, Azur accompanied me all the way to bedok, so does that make us semi-official? I enjoy her company, and it seems she feels the same way too :)
But I had to make a choice the nite before, cos both L and Azur wanted to accompany me to bedok, wth? It was tough, but i know who i chose...a sign of things to come?
But but but, i went home with L after the whole thing, tsk tsk. Apparently she knew abt me and F A COUPLE OF MONTHS AGO!! And kept her pretty mouth shut :p
Ahh, had a soccer game, won 2-0, Li and MN scored, fabulous...

On friday, we had an outing, ate at bukit timah, western food, then lepak-ed in town, finishing off at JEC with the jurong gang.
Spent time with L, as always. it's way more than a physical attraction... I enjoy sharing my views with her, and we have a lot of things in common. And F was behaving weirdly towards me...but everything seems ok-ish now.

1 more game!!

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