Monday, July 16, 2007


It's done, im no longer the president, blessed relief :)
But H is damned pissed at me. Why, i have no idea. I didnt even give her the gift...which hurts me more than i care to admit :p
Anyway, spent the day at the island beach, damn fun. i expected more people to come, but beggars cant be choosers. Played many game, beat some guys at beach soccer, pretty damn good, i have to say...
Then berendam in the water with 4 ladies, how often do u get to do that? hahaha
Chatted about a lot of stuff, relationships etc. With L, Sya, Hali and N Sup. And L is definitely more affectionate nowadays, esp when we were grocery shopping the previous day. Even Hali and N Sup thought we had something going on :p
Oh well...

Had a street soccer tourney today at ghi mo. lost in the quarters, played only 2 games, cos 2 blardy teams in our group didnt turn up. And i scored 3 goals!!! (1 deflected in heh)
But we lost in the quarters, to a bunch of kids. But damn, they were freaking fast...

Watched a movie with azur, Zo and kami. The latest HP movie. Not bad, pretty dark, but i kinda preferred the previous one. Sent azur home, spent a few intimate moments... I gotta watch my expenditure, cash is running dangerously low again, and i still have 3 things to spend on. 2 holiday trips, and azurs bdae...


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