Monday, June 11, 2007


Well...I won!!!! Still hasn't quite sunk in yet, i guess. At the end of the first round, ader cuak sikit, cos i got scissored :p first time i fell in the competition
Niwae, managed to fight back n the 3rd round, kais-ed his leg, cool sia, if i may say so myself heheh
Then scissored him, to pay back the 2 he gave me.
I almost cried at the end, esp when Kak Rubs hugged me, she was crying buckets. Apparently she'll be leaving soon, bawak diri, for how long, i don't know.
S came to watch my match, and she brought her entire family... Spent some time with her, lotsa hugging all round ;)

The guys/gals celebrated my birthday, whee!!! A huge choc cake from SecRec, i like!!! Plus got nice gifts from H&MN and F, man i love my best friend.

It's been a long, fun-filled couple of weeks. I got to hang out with L, so that was definitely a huge bonus. It feels like we've gotten a lot closer, i hope that's not just in my head :p
She treated me to a meal at BK, plus i brought her home, sembahyang and stuff. So my mum dah nampak lah ni... The cake was from her and Zo, so sweet. I think F has given up or something, maybe it's for the best. I really can't see a way out for me...I'm absolutely smitten with L...susah lah gini.

I went to Fadi's place after my semis, she looks diff with make-up and all. It was great to catch up with her, married lady now :)
Should i change my passwords then? Hmmm

Focusing on the nationals now...And ooh, i got interviewed, gonna appear on tv tonite, yayy!!!

All I want is you

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