Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tak Seimbang

First time I got that during a match :)

All in all, a very satisfying weekend. Could have gone better, especially with some nitty-gritty details in admin stuff, my fault for not briefing our managers properly. Plus i'm getting really pissed off with the coaches' unprofessional attitude, compounded with the referees' bias, and we have a recipe for disaster.

Overall champions? Quite tough lah, the artsy team bore the brunt of it. I can't believe Nim and Sheed didn't get a medal. Come on, it was bloody obvious that they were better than the rest. For the refs to penalise them for a disputed ruling is just bullshit.

Man, i feel like quitting Sende after all this, but not the school team. I love the people too much.

I finally got the gifts for the tech team, i hope they like it :)

Plus i think my feelings for L are growing stronger, and that's just bad. In fact, it's beyond bad...
I was actually jealous that Haf Jap was with her during the camp.
What the hell is happening to me? What happened to the detached, rational, take-things-easy me? This is what you get for opening up, meh.

Looking forward to my quarters...

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