Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I guess i somehow ended up in the semis. Met the same guy as in the inter-school c'ships.
I remember i was damn nervous, especially after taking a crap in the federation's toilets heheh.
Like all of a sudden it suddenly hit me that i was playing in the nationals again.
I can be a dumbass that way :p
I won, cos he seemed a bit fearful/hesitant. especially after i buanged him twice within the first minute. That helped a lot in my own confidence.

Plus i had many fun smses with L the night before. Cheered me up a lot...

I'm going out with Azur again tmrw, F&O at vivcity. I hope it'll go smoothly...
She had breakfast with me before my match, kasi semangat lah katakan :)
Can this go all the way? Fingers crossed.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Birthday Gifts

This post might be a wee bit late, but who gives a damn?

Sorting out my b'day gifts this year...

A cap from F, plus a sweet drawing reminiscing the time we spent together.
Another cap plus a running t-shirt from K Rubs, plus chocs :)
A shoe bag from H and MN, to replace my old one heheh
A birthday cake from L and Zo, from SecRec, plastered on my face so that i won't forget...
A puma t-shirt from S :)

It's been amazing, the stuff i got this year, whoa. I love them all. Plus the gift-bearers as well hahaha.

Anyway, i had to include my ikea trip with L during the c'ships.
We spent a lot of time together, and i relish every single moment spent together, especially since i know that it's highly unlikely we'll end up together.

We had lunch at SecRec this afternoon, 11 of us. Great fun, especially since L was there...
Sat next to her, had a quiet conversation. Same thing at the meeting in school. *sigh*
Is there no end to my infatuation? And i told H about Azur. And she was shocked. Why?

And it's the end of the road for me and S. Bittersweet.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

RamTen and Eatz

Went out with Azur. damn fun, really enjoyed myself, great company. I think there might be something in this...
But how to let go of L? And now Syik tells me to keep on fighting? Wah lau eh...

Thursday, June 14, 2007


What do I do from here? Wait for L to decide, or move on? I actually discussed this with my mum, damn...

And did i just ask Azur out? And did she just accept? What the hell am i doing? Exciting times lie ahead.

Nationals start this week...best of luck to me :)

Monday, June 11, 2007


Well...I won!!!! Still hasn't quite sunk in yet, i guess. At the end of the first round, ader cuak sikit, cos i got scissored :p first time i fell in the competition
Niwae, managed to fight back n the 3rd round, kais-ed his leg, cool sia, if i may say so myself heheh
Then scissored him, to pay back the 2 he gave me.
I almost cried at the end, esp when Kak Rubs hugged me, she was crying buckets. Apparently she'll be leaving soon, bawak diri, for how long, i don't know.
S came to watch my match, and she brought her entire family... Spent some time with her, lotsa hugging all round ;)

The guys/gals celebrated my birthday, whee!!! A huge choc cake from SecRec, i like!!! Plus got nice gifts from H&MN and F, man i love my best friend.

It's been a long, fun-filled couple of weeks. I got to hang out with L, so that was definitely a huge bonus. It feels like we've gotten a lot closer, i hope that's not just in my head :p
She treated me to a meal at BK, plus i brought her home, sembahyang and stuff. So my mum dah nampak lah ni... The cake was from her and Zo, so sweet. I think F has given up or something, maybe it's for the best. I really can't see a way out for me...I'm absolutely smitten with L...susah lah gini.

I went to Fadi's place after my semis, she looks diff with make-up and all. It was great to catch up with her, married lady now :)
Should i change my passwords then? Hmmm

Focusing on the nationals now...And ooh, i got interviewed, gonna appear on tv tonite, yayy!!!

All I want is you

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tak Seimbang

First time I got that during a match :)

All in all, a very satisfying weekend. Could have gone better, especially with some nitty-gritty details in admin stuff, my fault for not briefing our managers properly. Plus i'm getting really pissed off with the coaches' unprofessional attitude, compounded with the referees' bias, and we have a recipe for disaster.

Overall champions? Quite tough lah, the artsy team bore the brunt of it. I can't believe Nim and Sheed didn't get a medal. Come on, it was bloody obvious that they were better than the rest. For the refs to penalise them for a disputed ruling is just bullshit.

Man, i feel like quitting Sende after all this, but not the school team. I love the people too much.

I finally got the gifts for the tech team, i hope they like it :)

Plus i think my feelings for L are growing stronger, and that's just bad. In fact, it's beyond bad...
I was actually jealous that Haf Jap was with her during the camp.
What the hell is happening to me? What happened to the detached, rational, take-things-easy me? This is what you get for opening up, meh.

Looking forward to my quarters...