Sunday, September 5, 2010

Same old

Hello dear reader, it's been an eventful few months since my last post. It's ramadhan now, a week more to raya :)
Let's just say, it hasn't been the most fruitful of ramadhans for me. Hopefully future ones will be better insya-Allah.

Anyway, singlehood's been interesting, to say the least. Less stress, no more looking over my shoulder, sneaking ard like a thief in the darkness... Going out with interesting ladies, doing stuff i've always wanted to do etc etc. In fact, i just came back from watching a musical at Esplana, FRP, with Ni :) had to take a detour though, my bad :p and the week before, went to watch boein boein with nutz, great fun!
And i'm finding myself spending a lot of time with W, watched a movie, drive ard etc... Something there? I dunno, take things slow i guess.

Work's been decent, got a new project coming along though, 628, hope i don't screw it up :p
looking forward to more holidays coming up! Bali with alumni, um/bandung with current batch and backpacking with W! Hope it all works out :)

Dreamt of L last night, kinda bittersweet i guess... I feel like such a hopeless fool, waiting for someone i might never get, throwing away what i had. But i see clearly now, i need to be with someone who i can't live without, and not just someone who i can live with. If it means i end up alone, then so be it. Everythings fated :)

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