Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hey hey

Meh, i'm back... So many things have changed, yet more have remained the same.
In camp now, shld really be asleep.
What's this blog for anyway? Or more accurately, who is it for?

Probably gonna get married next year, feelings shift from happiness/contentment to ambivalence.
Not a good combination, i assure you dear reader.

Spending time with wonderful women worries me that i might be missing out on some wonderful life experiences.
And this isn't lust talking...there are just some...things that azur can't fulfil, as well as things that i know that i dont fulfil for her.
L is still ard, and we keep in touch. Gorgeous as ever, i swear my heart skips a beat when she stands close to me.
We went out to look for syik's bday gift, got some naughty chocs for her :)
L wore a simple mango t-shirt and my tongue got stuck in my throat. How stupid is that?

Plus there's nutz, who is really great company. Intellectual, knowledgeable and warm. And she's definitely easy on the eye :)
A lanky sort, never been attracted to one before. If i were single, i'd definitely ask her out.
And no, there havent been any indiscretions, not the ones with L anyway :p

Ah crap, i'll update tmrw

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